Prerelease Cycle Notice

  • Release is the second prerelease patch prior to the go-live release.
  • Prerelease patches are intended to ensure system stability, compliance with governance standards, and maximize core functionality, rather than focusing on adding new features.

EG-CCST Structure Re-Enabled

  • The Structure plugin has been reenabled for the EG-CCST project.
  • See !JIRATEK-29 for more information.

Structure Widget Disabled

  • Fixed a bug which was causing a generic Structure widget to be rendered within the issue pane across all issues, regardless of whether or not Structure was enabled for the parent project.
  • See !JIRATEK-29 for more information.

EG Core Component/ISSEC Dimension Added to HR

  • An additional top-level component has been added to the HR project for issues relating to all EG operations.
  • This component has two matching ISSEC levels:
    • EG Core (hr- and eg-hr)
    • EG Core Restricted (hr-admins, hr-r, eg-hr-r)
  • See !JIRATEK-41 for more information.

Project Leads Assigned for Active Projects

  • The 'Project Lead' role has been assigned to the appropriate manager for each active project.*
  • The current lead configuration is shown below:


  • Rows outlined in orange indicate projects that do not yet have an official project lead.

Manual Backup Procedure Updated

  • While further automation steps are still required, the manual backup process can now be triggered as a batch script like so:
>sudo ruby mcd-prod-automation/backupCore.rb
  • The program will halt and ask for the db password- once you enter it, it will spin for a while as it builds the tarballs, and then it will crash.
  • Once the program has crashed, run the following:
>ruby mcd-prod-automation/backupCore.rb
  • This will return a bunch of "Cannot stat: Permission denied" errors, and will then handshake with AWS, uploading the master tarball created when you triggered backupCore.rb with sudo to S3. After the transfer is complete, the backupCore script will crash again, but that doesn't matter because the backup has been built and shipped to the warehouse by that point.