The purpose of this guide is to outline best-practice for the usage of JIRA's comment functionality.

Atlassian Documentation

You can view an overview of JIRA's comment functionality here.

You can view an overview of JIRA's @mention functionality here.


JIRA's comment system is incredibly powerful, but to quote Uncle Ben, "With great power comes great responsibility."

It is important to develop good habits for interacting with JIRA from the beginning, so that things don't spiral out of control and cause problems down the line.

Good Habit #1: Simplicity is Elegance

  • Try to limit your comments to under 300 words. This will make it easier for future users to scan through a given issue and get up to speed quickly.
  • If you need to include a lot of text, it is usually better to upload the text to the issue as a document and refer to that document in a comment instead.

Good Habit #2: @Mention Is Your Friend

  • When you need to get a user's attention, type the "@"" sign in a comment and select the name of the user you need to notify. This will /always/ send them an email and HipChat notification, regardless of whether or not they have been added as a Watcher to the issue.
  • If you need a user to do something, please use active language in your comment- be explicit about what you need from the user.

This is an example of a very poorly-written comment:

"We need to order 10 widgets Joe."

Since Joe was not @mentioned, he will not receive an email or other notifications, and the 10 widgets will
not be ordered.

Another example of a poorly-written comment:

"We need to order 10 widgets.  @Joe @Steve."

This comment is not clear enough- while Joe and Steve will receive notifications, the comment does not indicate
what they are supposed to do.

This is an example of a well-written comment:

@Steve, we need 10 widgets, could you put together a PRF and send it to @Joe?  
@Joe, once you receive it, please start the procurement process.

This comment makes good use of the @mention functionality, and is clear on what is needed from each @mentioned user.
  • If you're ever in doubt about whether or not to @mention a user, you should probably @mention the user.

Good Habit #3: Edit for Clarity, Not for Content

  • You should only modify a comment that you've left to make it clearer or to fix typos.
  • You should not edit comments to change their overall meaning or add additional information.
  • If you feel the need to add additional information to a comment or change the content, create a new comment instead.

Good Habit #4: Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

  • You cannot delete comments. This is by design.
  • This means that whatever you write will be saved forever.
  • Don't say anything that you don't want to be saved forever. There are no takebacks.